Saturday, February 19, 2011

TSAGAAN SAR - Office celebrations

The third day of Tsagaan Sar is usually when work places gather together. Sim's office had their own celebrations at the Tipney's home for which we dressed in our Mongolian deels.

So here we are in our outfits.  Ours were purchased at the "State Department Store." (Sounds awfully  socialist!)  The store is definitely a remnant of Soviet occupation.

We had a lovely afternoon eating traditional foods, meeting new people and enjoying the impromptu entertainment.  Ashley and his friends also joined us for the occasion and were very gracious in responding to requests to participate in the talent show which consisted of an Aussie "choir" singing Waltzing Matilda, a poetry recital,  a Philippine group singing love songs and a sweet 4 year old Mongolian girl singing and dancing amongst other acts. Quite a treat!  (All interspersed with countless toasts of Mongolian vodka !)

Office Colleagues
Faith and Jacob
That's Ash shooting out of Luke's knees!

Ash attacking the boiled Lamb like a true Mongolian

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