Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A week after arrival...

I've only had to rug up like this once.

Consensus is, this place is not too bad! Even the biting cold hasn't dampened my first impressions although it was a startling shock to my system going from 38C in sunny Perth to -38 on my first day here. 
I've definitely acclimatised to the weather, as I did hear myself commenting what a beautiful warm day it was today!! (only a mild -13).  Yesterday was seriously cold day at minus 30 something.  ( I figure after -30 there's no point counting single digits). Cold is cold is cold is COLD!

This guy had limited english but eagerly practised his only four sentences on each of us.  He then completed each conversation with a bear hug! Extremely friendly!

Faith in front of State Parliament

My new fox fur hat :) 
Mongolian traditional attire called a "deel"

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