Monday, March 7, 2011

Golden Eagle Festival

"There are three things a real man should have: a fast horse, a hound, and a golden eagle"
A Kazakhstani Proverb

The eagle eye!

Today Mongolia acquainted us with another of her treasures by way of the Kazakh horsemen and their golden eagles.   Approximately 20 Kazakhs from the west of Mongolia came to Ulaanbaatar to compete at the Festival providing a unique visual spectacle of their age old skills and traditions.  The Kazakh hunters showed off their attire and their hand crafted eagle equipment as well as giving us a display of their horsemanship and  falconry skills.  The diverse costumes, colourful adornments and the character filled faces of the hunters made it an entertaining and engrossing event.   Showmanship at its best!  

There are a lot of photos to follow.  Sorry for that! It's getting harder and harder to be selective. By the end you may be appreciative that I left the other 200 images in my computer!! 


One of the younger competitors-great jacket!
( Two of the men competing were 72 years old!)

a proud hunter poses for the cameras

THE HATS!.....

...the "whole fox" hat!
The rustic red

Grandma's knit

the traditional?

...the barely there

the red fox( plus some)

the Richmond
the fascinator

the policeman's cap
(dont know how they keep their ears warm in -20 temperatures)
style plus

even the akubra!

the marmot fur

the...cute hat
the red hat...(love his accessory bag)

and finally a man of style, with fox and feathers


The elderly spectators having a rest. Can't imagine them sitting for long on the snow bench!

I'd be in the parade for 2 minutes-this bird is heavy!!!

All you need to do is rock your forearm to make it spread its wings. Right! not so easy with a 5kg eagle on a raised arm!

With Colin, Carla and Brendan.  The ger camp is behind us. 

THE HUNTERS in action...

Riders score points for their costumes, riding skills and accessories



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ABSOLUTELY incredible photos!!! you've missed your calling Susie